The Parish Council meeting was held on the 23rd May 2024.
Councillors: Cllr Reynoldson, Cllr Rukin, Cllr Metcalfe, and Cllr Calvert Chair presiding.
The Clerk was Mr Michael Cleminson.
1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Peacock, Cllr Porter
2. Declaration of Interests: None.
3. Minutes of previous meeting: The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st March 2024 have been circulated. The Minutes were approved as a true and accurate record. Proposed By Cllr Rukin and Seconded by: Cllr Metcalfe
4. Matters Arising
a.Proposal to move Senior Upper Dales School Children to Kirkby Stephen.
The Clerk reported that he had been in contact with both Arkengarthdale and Reeth Clerks and that they had proposed that Cllr Rutter would speak to the Executive on 11th June 2024, a local parent will also attend. The Clerk will submit a statement and if possible attend the meeting. Submissions by the 4th June. The Councillors agreed that Cllr Rutter represents the Upper Dales.
b.Gov.UK Domain and Email Addresses.
North Yorkshire Council will cease to host all Parish Council documents from April 2025. The Clerk had contacted YLCA to see if they are going to host documents on our behalf. YLCA have just introduced a new website, which has no facility to host documents. YLCA have suggested a company called Aubergine to build a website for the Parish Council. The Clerk previously obtained 3 quotes, one of which was from Aubergine, who have a concessionary £200.00 reduction at present. The set-up costs would be £299.00 and annual on-costs would be £199.00. This is the cheapest of the 3 quotes. The Clerk to liaise with neighbouring Parish Councils to see if it would be possible to share a website.
c. Emergency Plan Update.
Keld Village hall is progressing well, they now have 4 x Walkie-Talkies and 5 Analogue Telephones and have submitted a bid for a grant to install a generator. The Satellite Hub is in place, but are awaiting a Sim card. They have been assisted by Mr. Rick Lewis, from Low Row. Muker Village Hall unfortunately is unable to site a generator, so will not be applying for a grant. They already have some emergency equipment, including a Satellite phone.
d. Car Parking in Muker
Further Penalty Notices were issued on 30th April, and negotiations are taking place between Highways and Cllr Peacock to reach an agreement that notices should not be issued to vehicles on Common land, and to include the bend by the entrance to the car-park. Previously it had been agreed that the yellow lines would be painted white. Clerk to contact Cllr Peacock for an update.
e. Obstruction of Road to Service Vehicles, Thwaite.
Cllr Reynoldson reported that a resident of Thwaite was parking vehicles on the bend at the bottom of Thwaite making it difficult and occasionally impossible for large service vehicles to pass through the village. Cllr Reynoldson has spoken to the resident who at this time, has agreed to keep the highway clear for traffic. It was agreed to continue to monitor the situation and not take any further action, unless the matter deteriorates.
5. Finance
a. An Order to Pay was raised for YLCA Membership £140.00 & Defib Store for a battery and pads £405.60.
b. Review of Financial Risk Assessment, this has been revised to take into account electronic banking, the Risk Assessment was considered fit for purpose and approved.
c. Annual Governance & Accountability Return 23/24 – the Clerk reported that the balance to be carried forward this year is £900.00 less than the previous year, primarily because of maintenance and renewal of pads and batteries for the 4 x Defibrillators. The Accounts have been independently audited and were approved by the Councillors.
d. Exercise of Public Rights was set from 3rd June until 12th July 2024.
6. Highways - Nothing to report, see AOB.
7. NYC – see item regarding schooling proposal.
8. NALC – nothing to report.
9. YDNPA and NYC
21/00523/LBC 2 storey rear extension and alterations to existing building at Tan Hill Inn, DL11 6ED, amended. The Councillors had no objections to this application as long as it remains a traditional building in keeping with the dales, and that all construction is on land owned by Tan Hill.
R/06/15F and R/06/15G/LB – Anty Johns, above Keld. The Councillors support the applications to allow re-occupation and alterations to an existing building, thereby maintaining its future as a traditional dales building. Clerk to respond to relevant authorities.
10. YLCA – see 4b above
11. Correspondence/AOB: Cllr Rukin reported that he had recently removed 2 grounded Motorhomes from Silver Hill. The Councillors believe that improved signage may alleviate some of the problems, Clerk to contact Highways for signage and Tan Hill Inn to put a warning on their website. Also, that the wooden fence on B6270 near Park House is rotting away & the ground is being undermined with the potential to cause a future road collapse. Clerk to report both items to Highways.
12. Date and Time of Next Meeting: 7.30pm Thursday 27th June 2024 at Muker Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm.